TIPS: Change Database Hostname After OAM security store configured
Change Database Hostname After OAM security stored configured
Database Hostname need to be changed after OAM security store is configured.
- Login to Weblogic console and modify below connection pools
- Navigate to "Services > Datasources > oamDS > Connection Pool" and modify connection details
- Navigate to "Services > Datasources > opss-DBDS > Connection Pool" and modify connection details.
- If weblogic console is not accessible then modify two files "oam-db-jdbc.xml and opss-jdbc.xml" under <MW_HOME>/user_projects/domains/base_domain/config/jdbc.
- Login to server and navigate to below location.
- <MW_HOME>/user_projects/domains/base_domain/config/fmwconfig/
- Modify jps-config-jse.xml, jps-config-migration.xml and jps-config.xml file
- Modify "jdbc.url" property and update with new hostname.
- Restart Admin server and managed server.
- Repeat step 2 in all your cluster nodes.
Expected Error if jps-config-jse.xml, jps-config-migration.xml and jps-config.xml files not modified.
Info: Data source is: opss-DBDS
[EL Severe]: 2017-03-14 20:39:37.575--ServerSession( 1547285287)--Exception [EclipseLink-4002] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.3.1.v20111018-r10243): org.eclipse.persistence. exceptions.DatabaseException
Internal Exception: java.sql. SQLRecoverableException: IO Error: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection
Error Code: 17002
Mar 14, 2017 8:39:37 PM common.config. AbstractSecurityStore getSecurityStoreVersion
WARNING: Unable to get the Version from Store returning the default. Reason: Connection refused.
[EL Severe]: 2017-03-14 20:39:37.978--ServerSession( 1619843188)--Exception [EclipseLink-4002] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.3.1.v20111018-r10243): org.eclipse.persistence. exceptions.DatabaseException
Internal Exception: java.sql. SQLRecoverableException: IO Error: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection
Error Code: 17002
Mar 14, 2017 8:39:37 PM credstore.ldap. LdapCredentialStore init
WARNING: Could not create credential store instance. Reason policystore. PolicyStoreConnectivityExcepti on: JPS-00027: There was an internal error: Connection refused
JPS-01055: Could not create credential store instance. Reason policystore. PolicyStoreConnectivityExcepti on: JPS-00027: There was an internal error: Connection refused
Error: Diagnostics data was not saved to the credential store.
Error: Validate operation has failed.
Need to do the security configuration first!
Kiran Pokuri
Above action plan worked for us. whenever you change your db hostname or IP, you need to change the datasources which is under $DOMAINHOME/config/jdbc and need to change the files jps-config-jse.xml, jps-config-migration.xml and jps-config.xml with new db string.